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Double Eccentric butterfly valve

If you want to know Double Eccentric butterfly valve,please contact us.

With cast iron body and gear operator
Design standard: BS 5155
Pressure: from PN0.6 MPa to PN1.6 MPa
Applicable temperature: from -40 to +230 degrees C
Flange connection dimension: BS4504 PN16; DIN 2533 PN16
Butterfly Valve Sizes range: from 4 to 80 inches diameter (DN100 to DN2000mm)
Butterfly Valve Body materials: cast iron, ductile iron, aluminum bronze, stainless steel and carbon steel.

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Tel: +86 319 4766636 Fax:+86 319 4761921  Email: xinghai@hbxinghai.com, yuezhenzhao@sina.com Address: Shidai Road, Xinhe County, Hebei,China